Thursday, May 23, 2019

I love manuka honey, chia seeds and quinoa!

Recently had a little bit of health crazy.
Let's see what is my usual health routine as a working mum.
I got to stay active, if not gonna die from my office-bound job.

Health Routine

My exercise routine!
Do Yoga 2 or 3 times a week
Usually yoga during lunch time or weekend

Carry baby around the neighborhood, well this counts for cardio exercise, right?<-- count="" div="" for="" got="" right="" something="" that="" to="">

Health food I tend to eat every day
  1. Dong Chong Xia Chao 冬蟲夏草
  2. Royal Jelly Supplement
  3. Manuka Honey UMF


"Dong Chong Xia Chao", or rather "Cordyceps" or otherwise known as the Mysterious Caterpillar Fungus. It is a caterpillar that dies when fungus attacks it and eat it from within, then it died as a fungi body. This is actually extremely expensive.
My hubby bought this regularly in powdered form, he got it from those caterpillar farms, where they harvest cordyceps, if not the wild version is about 10 times as expensive.

Royal Jelly from bees

Royal Jelly is actually a honey type of supplement that bees make for their queen bees. It is this feeding of this supplement that enables that bee to become the Queen Bee and lay eggs daily. Actually probably lay hundreds and thousands of little bees daily.
So there are a lot of reviews where the royal jelly is good for us.
I am not a big fan though. I just eat if my hubby brought this home.

Manuka honey 

This is the supplement I will buy regularly for my baby and me (Note: You can only let babies above the age of 1 to eat honey. Babies below age 1 has not developed a proper immune system yet and may die from eating honey)

I buy only manuka honey that has the UMF endorsement from the New Zealand Government.
This is important because most of the manuka honey out there are fake.
People pay tons of money to buy normal honey that is labeled falsely as "manuka honey"

Only buy those with UMF logo.

Manuka honey is great for us because of its a monofloral honey from the manuka bush, which contains a large number of antibacterial components, which they called MG (or a longer name, I dunno how to spell)
Anyway, a great number of reviews can be found online but this is the blog that I realized its a sincere explanation of manuka honey: he ate and tried more than 10 brands of manuka honey in Singapore!

Manuka Honey UMF Reviews in Singapore

It is so funny that he did try so many manuka honeys, u can read the other articles on his blog.
If you want to read on all the Manuka Honey benefits FAQ

Have a happy life!
Be a happy mother!

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