The research project has been a positive learning experience even though the time limit to complete the project was a little too short. From the project, I understand that good teamwork and effective communication are very important in contributing to an excellent final research report.
Good teamwork can be achieved by fulfilling each person’s responsibility and submitting the work by the scheduled deadline. It requires everyone in the team to cooperate and finish the assigned tasks by the deadline. As my project mates and I were very busy with other schoolwork in the midst of doing the project, we often had to rush out the work in order to send to everyone to compile the work that we had done. It was really a relief when everyone completed the tasks as appointed and moved on to the next step in the project.
During the project, we had several meetings and discussions. These include face-to-face discussions and conversing through emails. It is very crucial to express oneself in the correct tone during discussion to prevent any misunderstanding and unhappiness among the project mates. Luckily, even though we had our own opinions, we could actively listen to what the others had suggested and eventually decided on the best choices. This form of effective communication was established in all our meetings and discussions, which aided us in achieving our agenda for every meeting.
For the upcoming oral presentation, it will be important to express oneself clearly to the audience so that the ideas can be brought across and accepted. The correct tone must also be used in accordance to the formality of the presentation.
Thank you for the honest reflection, Angeline. I'm glad the experience could be positive for you, even though the time frame was short.
Now I look forward to reading your report!
Hey girl!
I have lost count of the times I did projects with you! It has always been a good experience doing projects with you. Thank you for being a wonderful project partner and friend!
I can understand what you mean by the short time frame. :S It was indeed very short! Especially for us 'lab rats'. Haha.. But I am glad that our group coordinated well and put together a good report in the end! Let's hope it turns out well. :D
Dear Brad and Joyce,
Thanks for commenting! Let's hope the report and the oral presentation will be a success! :)
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